This page last changed on Sep 27, 2006 by bowens.


This document outlines our experience in implementing the GeoServer Web
Based Configuration system. Several changes have been made with respect to the
GeoServer Web Based Configuration Design Document.
The focus of these User Interface design changes has been:

  • To allow specification of attribute type order during FeatureType editing
  • The addition of a User Interface for Validation Configuration
  • Revised Page layout featuring the separation of the Form Feedback from the
    status of the GeoServer application
    The inclusion of the Validation Processor User Interface as part of the Web Based
    Configuration System has resulted in a seamless user experience.
    This work has been highly anticipated by the GeoServer user community, and we
    have been pleased to provide a 1.2 beta release.


In subsequent sections the following diagram (Figure 1) from the GeoServer Web
Based Configuration Design Document will be referred to.

2.1 Design Successes

The design for the GeoServer Configuration System has succeeded in:

  • Providing GeoServer Web Based Configuration
  • Providing dynamic feedback from the GeoServer application
  • Providing a consistent user experience

2.2 Design Extensions

In several instances we have expanded upon the design outlined in the Web
Based Configuration Design Document.
These changes have resulted from:

  • An increased familiarity with the Struts Application Framework
  • The complexity of FeatureType Schema Specification
  • The addition of the Validation Processor to the User Interface

2.2.1 Revised Page Layout

The page layout has been revised to provide a consistent area to report back
Form validation errors and Status information

This design is expected to undergo a few minor revisions in response to feedback
from a graphic design team. In order to respond to these suggestions we may
make use of additional HTML rendering technologies such as Cascading Style

2.2.2 FeatureType Schema Specification

We had overlooked the need to specify attribute order (Figure 3).

To accommodate the ordering of Attributes we have made several additions:

  • A "default" setting used to control schema generation
  • An attribute Select tile with Delete, Move Up and Move Down actions
  • New Attribute and Edit Attribute tiles

Modifications for Attribute Type ordering are illustrated by the following screen
capture (Figure 4).

This extension allows for the required attribute ordering capability.
Several drawbacks are apparent:

  • Attribute specification is visually separated from FeatureType (apparent in the
    location of the submit button above the Attribute Select, New and Edit tiles).
  • Only one attribute is visible at a time
    It is recommended that the initial design be restored with the inclusion of "Up",
    "Down" and "Delete" buttons next to each AttributeType (Figure 5).

2.2.3 Validation Framework Extension

The extension of our initial design for the validation processor was accomplished
without incident.
The following diagram illustrates the extensions to the GeoServer layer diagram
for the Validation Processor.

Validation Validation DTO Config Form
ValidationProcessor   ValidationConfig  
PlugIn PlugInDTO PlugInConfig  
TestSuite TestSuiteDTO TestSuiteConfig ValidationTestSuiteNewForm
Validation TestDTO TestConfig ValidationTestEditorForm
Table 1 - Validation Processor Data Matrix

We have maintained a clear separation between the Validation Processor and the
GeoServer application through the use of the Catalog API

2.3 User Interface Design Recommendations

Over the course of development we have arrived at several recommendations for
the design of the existing user interface application.
These recommendations will be placed in the GeoServer Jira bug tracking system
Several of these design recommendations result in a modified application
workflow (Figure 7).

Summary of workflow changes:

  • Distinct page for Select, New and Edit pages
  • Select Page redirects to New Page when empty
  • Catalog pages renamed to Data

2.3.1 Separate Page for New Actions

By separating the New Actions for DataStore, Namespace and FeatureType we
can reduce the complexity of these already very crowded screens.

In addition we can provide a redirect to the appropriate New Action in the case
where no content exists to be selected.

2.3.2 Extended Status Reporting

The logs provided by GeoServer configuration provide a nice summary of any
problems encountered during setup. This information has been included as part
of the Configuration pages and is updated during the "to GeoServer" action.

The dataStoreId:typeName used to list configuration problems should be
linked to the appropriate Edit page where the problem can be fixed.

As part of this transition Struts can include the error message for display.

2.3.3 Visual Appearance

The first cut of the web interface has been focused on functionality, often using
the default appearance of native Struts widgets.
In the next phase of development we will take command of this process in order
to address any issues raised by the aesthetic review.
During the review process we will be looking for feedback on:

  • The efficient use of screen real estate
  • The consistent location of Navigation components
  • The use of colors, icons and fonts

The emphasis will remain on functionality and efficiency.
Initial thoughts on visual appearance:

  • Use a neutral medium background for the page
  • Use a distinct color for the current page focus depending on application area:
    . lighter background for pages dealing with information reporting
    . darker background for configuration pages
  • Uses a darker tile to indicate more detailed parameters
  • Keep status, and configuration controls "flush" with this background in order
    not to detract from the current focus
  • Modify Actions tile to makes use of a "yellow-sticky" or slight 3D effect

An initial mock up of these changes is show below (Figure 8).


3.1.1 Enhanced Authentication Support

The existing configuration design depends on a simple access control. Access is
restricted based on the presence of a UserContainer object located in Session.
Management of the UserContainer is handled through login and logout actions.

We need to ensure that each Configuration Action provides a login check and an
appropriate redirect to the Login page.

Example ConfigAction with Login Check:
class MyConfigAction extends ConfigAction {
Redirect execute( HttpServletRequest request, ){
if( !isLoggedIn( request )){
return new Redirect("Login Page");
UserContainer user = getUserContainer( request );
return new Redirect("my.jsp");

This boilerplate code can be removed through the use of enhancing the
ConfigAction base class.

It is recommend that we modify the base ConfigAction class to provide the
logged-in check in the execute method. Derived classes can make use of a
custom execute method that provides the UserContainer as a parameter.

Enhanced ConfigAction with logged-in check:
class ConfigAction extends GeoServerAction {
Redirect execute( HttpServletRequest request, ){
if( !isLoggedIn( request )){
return new Redirect("Login Page");
return execute(getUserContainer( request ), request );
Redirect execute( UserContainer user, HttpServletRequest request ){
return null;
class MyConfigAction extends ConfigAction {
Redirect execute( UserContainer user, HttpServletRequest request ){
return new Redirect("my.jsp");

Note that the extended execute method has not been made abstract; this allows
subclasses of ConfigAction to implement execute in the usual manner if needed.

3.1.2 Move New DataStoreConfig to Session

During the process of setting up a DataStore for the first time a DataStoreConfig
object is created and placed under control of DataConfig.

This order of execution always results, at least for a short while, in DataConfig
managing a DataStore that is incapable of working. It would be preferable to
store the new DataStoreConfig in the UserContainer until such time as it works.

3.1.3 Provide Feature Lock Control

Management of Transaction Web Feature Server locks is recommended by the
OGC WFS Specification. Currently GeoServer does not provide a mechanism
through which Locks can be released manually.

This capability should be added to the GeoServer management page.

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